Neighbors organize this at 8AM in the morning!

Barry, Stephanie, Ann & Stuart surround the birthday boy!

Dave, Helen, Lillian & Paul surround the birthday boy!

Eddie, Chris, Judy & Bob surround the birthday boy!

Hal, Sharon, Karen & Steve surround the birthday boy!

Ian, Diane, John & Mel surround the birthday boy!

John, Ursula, Mary Ann & Mike surround the birthday boy!

Roy, ?, May & Chris surround the birthday boy!

Chris, Glynis, Ian & Bruce surround the birthday boy!

Sandra (Alan's mum) & Denise (Alan's niece)

Ann (Alan's sister) and Brett (Alan's son)

 Chase, Denise & Peyton at Alan's 60th. karaoke

Sandra, Ann, Denise & Peyton

Alan with his mum, Sandra and Mother-in-law, Molly

The start of the congo line at Alan's 60th.

The congo line continues

The congo line winds it's way around the house

And in front of the house!

Ralph and the Ralphettes sing karaoke at Alan's 60th.

A couple of Elvis look-a-likes?

Sandra, Alan, Lillian, Ann. Stuart, Pat, Chris, Mel, Molly, Denise, Chase & Peyton

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